Evaluation of the mutagenic activity of the hair-dye Evaluation of the mutagenic activity of the hair-dye coupler 2-methyl-5-N-J)-hydroxy-ethylaminophenol in different eukaryotic assaysJ. Appl. Cosmetol., 2, 27-37 (October/December 1984)F. DARROUNDI, F.H. SOBELS and A.T. NATARAJAN
Evaluation of the mutagenic activity of the hair-dye coupler 2-methyl-5-N-J)-hydroxy-ethylaminophenol in different eukaryotic assaysJ. Appl. Cosmetol., 2, 27-37 (October/December 1984)F. DARROUNDI, F.H. SOBELS and A.T. NATARAJAN