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Pierfrancesco Morganti and Gianluca Morganti

Academy of History of Healthcare Art,R&D Unit,00186 Rome,Italy;

China Medical University,Dermatology Department,110122 Shenyang,China.

ISCD Nanoscience Centre,00165 Rome,Italy.

In the historical congress-room Alessandrina (fig 1),headquarters of Academy of History of Healthcare Art(Academy) in Rome,it has been held the National Congress of Phlebology at September 19th of last year,the unforgettable 2020.The meeting started with the unusual Fanfare of Italian Bersaglieri Corp who plays many songs of the Italian Risorgimento period and the Italian national anthem .These soldiers are a high-mobility Italian infantry's military corp always running instead of marching.They,characterized for their wide -brimmed black hats,were the first military Corp to stomper into Rome by the famous breach of Porta Pia created along the Aurelian Walls on 20 September 1870 (fig 2).It is interesting to know that on 3 June,during this battle between the French and Italian soldiers,Goffedo Mameli will dead as an hero,being author of the Italian national anthem also.And just in the medical museum of the Academy is conserved the marble table were his body was deposed before embalming(fig 3).

Fig 1 Alessandrina Meeting Room before COVID-19 pandemic

However,the Academy museum is famous for the many ancient anatomy finds and pharmaceutical vessels preserved into its rooms here reposted by some photo (fig 4-6).

fig 2 Famous Picture of Bersaglieri Corp with their particular black hats during the Porta Pia Breach

Fig 3 Table where the body of Goffedo Mameli was deposed before his balming

fig 4 Ancient pharmaceutical vessels of the Academy' Medical Museum

fig 5 A view of the Medical Museum of Academy

fig 6 A partial view of an ancient pharmacy and anatomy finds in the Medical Museum of Academy

After the fanfare, the meeting was opened by Giuseppe Guarnaccia President of AFI,Gianfranco Nero Coordinator of AFI-Lazio,Angelo Santoliquido,Director of VOC International cardiovascular Medicine in Gemelli Hospital in Rome,Sergio Gianesini,vice President of Phlebology International Union,and Giuseppe Marceca who reported the best wishes sent from the Academy President,professor Iacovelli absent for family problems . Galeandro Director of Technology Medical Research Unit,Technopolis University of Bari,Italy,opens the program with the lecture :Tridimensional Ecocolordroppler in Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)by the MEVeC method .The adopted sclerotherapy-method on Great Venous Vein by a specific foam used on 667 patients was discussed.It is part of Bari University' research project born to standardize the Ecocolordroppler method for obtaining a repeatable and easy way to sent objective experimental data to the Calculation Center of University.Thus the Center has the capacity to elaborate specific therapeutic models of Artificial Intelligence useful for supporting the vein specialists.The project is organized in 3 steps.In the first step the inferior limb' superficial and deep veins are divided in four parts.In the second step a specific software has been realized based on a plan in which the veins to be controlled are reported by a ultrasonography system.By the plan,which registers the 3D imaging,eco-graphically vein values have been reported by symbols focused by a specific software describing vein reflux,compressibility,valvular incontinence,etc.By the third step all the data are utilized by mathematical objective methods(models )able to classify the chronic venous insufficiency. Bellapianta from GVM-Care&Research of S.Maria Hospital of Bari focused his lecture on:Thermal Imaging Application in Chronic Venous Disease,back to the past or new frontier. The estimation of lower-limb primary chronic venous diseases connected with an insufficiency of superficial veins has been evaluated by thermal imaging by the use of Thermovision FLYR camera.It has been shown that the curves of the lower extremities of patients suffering from a venous insufficiency may be characterized by a higher skin temperature connected with pathological changes in veins associated with blood stasis and inflammation.The observed parameters suggested by Thermovision diagnostics may be useful as a complementary method in the diagnosis of chronic venous diseases in the lower extremities. Do ideal glue and foam exist? This the topic of Bellanti-Alberti, Chemical Bioengineer director in Harris University ,Braderton,FL,USA,who reported the necessary control that has to be done on the chemical structure of the sclerosant liquids more used in therapy .Thus it has to be considered the existing relationship between the tenside/foaming power of these chemicals and their physicochemical interaction with the the vein layers' structures,as cause of the endothelial obliteration.Therefore the different sclerosant formulations used in therapy may be reported,evaluating the relative patient' enzymatic reply. Pecis,Responsible of Functional Unit of Angiology and Advanced Flebology Surgery,continued this topic by the lecture : Use of Glue for the Treatment of Varices by which treatment,efficacy and biocompatibility of a cyanoacrylate glue was verified on 480 patients.20% of these patients had a pathological reflux in both great and small saphenous veins,while 95% obtained a complete closure of veins with an high satisfaction.As major problems some phlebitis and moderate perifhlebitic reactions(~2%) have been verified and for all patients elastic compression of the limbs for 20 days was recommended. Valle,from General Surgery Department of Saint Eugenio Hospital in Rome,focused his topic by the lecture :Ligation of GSV in Sclerotherapy with Foam.Technical notes.Personal experience.

667 patients were performed by sclerofoam treatments with local surgical anesthesia for great varicose veins (GSV) of the lower limbs.The adopted technique that includes the ligation of the GSV,makes the foam more stable then the problem occurring with the direct injection of GSV.Moreover,a smaller amount of foam has been sufficient so that no general or local side effects have been verified by the control by Ecocolordroppler .By this technique the diameter of the veins was reduced by 50% with no reflux and disturbances.

The section has seen the end by my lecture : Reticular veins and telangectasias treatment by innovative biodegradable tissues.

It has been reported the possible use for the face superficial thin reticular veins of biodegradable non-woven tissues which,organized by natural fibers bound to specific active ingredients,could act topically,regenerating the altered spider veins' layers.It is,in fact,possible to bound the selected active ingredients into the tissue' fiber structure before making the tissue by the electrospinning technology.The obtained tissues, acting as carriers ,may release these ingredients to the wet skin by a simple contact of 15/20 minutes.It has been supposed that the active ingredients could have the possibility to act directly on the veins,reducing their altered volumes and possibly re-generating their superficial layers.Probably,by this innovative technology could be possible to try to partially solve the problem of the reticular veins also if the causes connected to the pathology of vascular dilatation and lesions are practically unknown.

After the interesting discussion opened on the topics by the many questions of the attendants and some words of thanking reported from the main organizer of the Congress dr Giuseppe Salvatore,the meeting was closed. The organizers took their thanks to all the relators,attendants and sponsors with a particular attention reserved to Morganti Co. for offering its selective and famous " Caffe' d'Autore" made since 1890 ( fig 7).

Coffee is the balm of heart and spirit Giuseppe Verdi


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