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Successful treatment of venous lake of the lip with a 577‐nm pro‐yellow laser

Successful treatment of venous lake of the lip with a 577‐nm pro‐yellow laser


Journal of Applied Cosmetology, Vol. 39 iss. 1 (January-June, 2021) 14-15


Successful treatment of venous lake of the lip with a 577‐nm pro‐yellow laser: a novel approach


S.A. Temiz1, A. Ataseven2 and R. Dursun2


1Clinic of Dermatology, Konya Ereğli State Hospital, Konya, Turkey;
2Department of Dermatology, NecmettinErbakan University Meram Medical Faculty, Konya, Turkey

    ISSN: 2974-6140  online
    ISSN: 0392-8543 Printed


    World Health Academy Publishing House srls

    Via Aldo Rossi, 31, 51016, Montecatini-Terme (Pistoia)

    P.Iva 02015150473


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