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Preclinical and clinical safety and efficacy assessment of an organic cotton med

Preclinical and clinical safety and efficacy assessment of an organic cotton med


Journal of Applied Cosmetology, Vol. 40 iss. 2 Jul- Dec, 2022: 93/109


Preclinical and clinical safety and efficacy assessment of an organic cotton medical
device for the management of moderate to heavy urinary incontinence


V. Cattaneo1, G. Rizzi1, R. Vicini1, F. Ferulli1, C. Angelinetta1, O. Pastoris2 and M. Barbieri Carones3


1Bio Basic Europe SRL, Milan, Italy;

2Department of Biology and Biotechnology “L. Spallanzani”, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy;

3Private Practice, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Specialist, Milan, Italy

    ISSN: 2974-6140  online
    ISSN: 0392-8543 Printed


    World Health Academy Publishing House srls

    Via Aldo Rossi, 31, 51016, Montecatini-Terme (Pistoia)

    P.Iva 02015150473


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